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Staff Superstar: Therapist nominated for an Allied Health Award

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You might not find a trophy in the Toybox library, but you will find our Speech Therapist, Sharon who is up for a National Award!

Time is creeping up on the Allied Health Award Ceremony, set to go ahead in September. Sharon Sullivan, is nominated specifically for her role in pioneering the Kites Toybox sensory toy library.

Kick starting as a graduate

Sharon started at Kites Children’s Therapy as a graduate in January 2020, after doing her student placement with our partners at VisAbility. She kicked off her professional allied health career managing the set-up of the newly-acquired toy library, which was inherited from the 4,500 toy-filled collection from the Activ Learning and Discovery Centre.

Sharon standing in Toybox Library with a range of toys displayed on a table in front of her

“I was motivated to tap into the hidden treasures of this toy library and raise the profile of some of our amazing resources available to families of children with development challenges” says Sharon.

Our biggest resource

The Kites Toybox, unlike community toy libraries, has a range of specialised equipment, including the largest selection of switch adapted toys in the southern hemisphere.

“We have a large collection of switch toys, which I made sure were featured front and centre in the Toy Library shelves.”

Sharon and the Toybox team also initiated making the Toybox resources available to allied health professionals across Perth. With the introduction of professional memberships, occupational therapists, physiotherapists and other therapists can borrow toys from the library to use in paediatric therapy sessions.

“I was determined to raise the profile of our untapped resources with families and allied health professionals,” explains Sharon.

With a range of toys available to children with additional needs, memberships can also be purchased through the NDIS consumables budget.

Recognition ever-present, award awaits

In a past life, Sharon worked as a Business Manager and an Education Assistant for children with disability. Naturally, she transitioned into her role working as a Speech Pathologist for children with disability and developmental delay perfectly.

Sharon will find out if she is the winner of her category at the Gala Awards Ceremony in September. From the team at Kites Therapy, we wish Sharon good luck!

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