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Appointment of Two New Board Directors

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The EverAbility Group Limited (EverAbility) is delighted to announce the appointment of two new members to the Board of Directors. 

Jane Tandy GAICD based in Western Australia, brings to the board a wealth of experience across 20 years in senior management and executive roles in financial services and capital markets. Jane has held many Non-Executive Director positions including Carers WA, which provided her valuable insight to the Not-for-Profit sector. Jane is passionate about people, communication, outcomes, and a champion for diversity. The organisation welcomes her knowledge of regulatory oversight, compliance, and cybersecurity.  

“I am delighted to be joining the Board and contributing to its success going forward. I have been impressed with its long history of service to the community, depth of their programs and the far-reaching impact it has in both Western Australia and Tasmania.” said Jane Tandy. 

Jane Tandy Board Member
Jane Tandy, Board Director

Jak Nuttal CPA based in Tasmania, has extensive experience in financial and business management and is currently a Director at an Accounting Practice. Jak is experienced in the Not-for-Profit sector and currently acts as Treasurer for Holyoake Inc. Tasmania. Jak has a strong commitment to supporting the community and a desire to make a difference. In recognition of his valuable financial skill set, Jak has been appointed to the Board’s Finance and Audit Sub Committee. 

“I am looking forward to this new Board position and contributing to its strategic financial management,” said Jak. 

Chair Aaron Constantine welcomed the new Directors, 

“The Board is thrilled to welcome Jane and Jak. They build on the diversity that is the EverAbility Board of Directors. With their experience, enthusiasm, and energy they can and will make a valuable contribution to the organisation.  

EverAbility operates Guide Dogs WA and Guide Dogs Tasmania, VisAbility and Kites Therapy in both Western Australia and Tasmania.  It is crucial to have Board Directors in both states. Their appointments increase the Board Membership to eight, with five based in Western Australia and three in Tasmania.”  

Jak Nuttal EverAbility Group board member
Jak Nuttal, Board Director

For further information or enquiries please contact Carol Solosy, EverAbility Group Executive Manager, Corporate Governance, on (08) 9311 8202. 

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