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Summer Hydrotherapy Sessions

Summer Hydrotherapy sessions are now available! 🤸 Get your child motivated for Physio with refreshing Hydrotherapy sessions! Supported by a qualified Physiotherapist, Hydrotherapy helps your child build muscles and improve mobility - while cooling off in the swimming pool.


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Kites Children’s Therapy

Phone: (08) 9311 8222

Opening hours

Kites Therapy:
8.30am – 5.00pm, Monday – Friday

How to make an enquiry or request an appointment

Please complete the form below. One of our team will contact you shortly to discuss your child’s needs and how we can best support you and your family.

Contact Us (June 2023)
Please note that fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
What is your enquiry about? (please tick all that apply)*
Please tick the box if you would like to receive email updates from us. (We promise we won't share your details with anyone else)


Victoria Park

Address: 16 Sunbury Road, Victoria Park WA 6100

Opening hours: 8.30am – 5.00pm, Monday to Friday

Postal address

PO Box 101, Victoria Park WA 6979

NDIS registration number

Kites Children’s Therapy is trading under EverAbility Group Ltd: ACN 604 293 209 | ABN 11 157 291 960

NDIS Provider Registration Number: 4050002092