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Summer Hydrotherapy Sessions

Summer Hydrotherapy sessions are now available! 🤸 Get your child motivated for Physio with refreshing Hydrotherapy sessions! Supported by a qualified Physiotherapist, Hydrotherapy helps your child build muscles and improve mobility - while cooling off in the swimming pool.

Online Therapy Guidelines

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At Kites, we want our online therapy services to be as effective as possible. Families are encouraged to read the following guidelines prior to starting video-conferencing services.

We’ve implemented a number of features to protect your privacy during online therapy sessions, including locked meetings, waiting room features and unique password protection, for platforms that don’t have end-to-end encryption.

Your privacy

Limit outside distractions that could potentially interrupt the video session, such as:

  • Mobile phones
  • Other people in the home, if unable to be kept in a separate space, discuss how they can be included as part of the session
  • Family pets.

Video call privacy

  • Letting other members of your household know when you’re in sessions, and where they can be seen on video
  • Letting us know who is present in the session, if out of sight and in ear-shot
  • Recordings can be done by Kites’ therapist, and will only ever be for a specific purpose and with your permission

Zoom privacy

  • Meetings are locked
  • We use the waiting room feature
  • Unique passwords will be created to access each individual session.

Video and audio quality

Online therapy involves several actions:

  • Watching the video of the remote person on the monitor
  • Listening to the sound from the remote person
  • Transmitting video to the remote person through the video camera
  • Transmitting audio to the remote person through the microphone

We want to maximise the effectiveness of these and minimise any interference.


Excessive light should not shine into the camera or onto the monitor (which are usually facing the same direction). Sufficient light should be directed at the subject (person, activity etc.) which the camera is pointed at.

  • Place the monitor and camera so that they are facing away from major light sources such as day light or room light
  • Cover windows that face the monitor or camera
  • Reduce glare from walls by using a room with a neutral matte paint or neutral wall coverings. Try to avoid busy or patterned wall paper
  • Increase light (day or room light) directed at the subject (you or activity) so that they are facing towards the major light sources.
  • Add additional lighting that illuminate the person or the activity, if required


  • Light coloured and reflective clothing may cause difficulties with the camera trying to adjust its brightness.
  • Be mindful that you only want your face to be bright. If you have a really bright shirt on, the camera acts to make the whole image dimmer, so your face won’t be quite as clear in contrast to your clothing.
  • Consider the patterns on your clothing. If there are lots of busy patterns or thin strips it can cause some difficulty with the camera.


Increase the clarity of sounds from the subject by bringing the microphone as close as practical to you. Reduce unwanted sounds:

  • Check that doors are closed to other areas in the house
  • Check that the washing machine, dishwasher or other noisy household appliance are turned off while the video conferencing session is in progress
  • Make sure your mobile phone is on silent or turned off
  • If you have trouble with echoing within the room, try using a room with carpets, mats, or wall hangings etc.

Maximise interaction

  • One of the most important things is to try and look directly at the lens of the camera when you are talking to the person at the other end. It may be tempting to look off to the side to the screen where the image of the conversation is displayed.
  • Making sure that the camera is positioned at eye level to ensure that when talking, your attention and vision is directed into the lens of the camera.
  • Ensure that you have everything that your therapist has asked you to provide at arm’s length so that you don’t need to leave the conference call unnecessarily. We also suggest that the camera to be pushed back to ensure that there is sufficient space in front of you. Your therapist can assist you in the setup and preparation of the conference call if required.
  • Sessions may be conducted in various spaces within your home. If this is to occur part way through, your therapist will advise you prior to the session to ensure sufficient preparation to move the camera (or device) and so that both parties are able to get a clear view of all spaces.

Your First Video Appointment

We’re here to help you become comfortable with using video as a mode of accessing a range of our therapy and support services.

Preparing for your first video session

  • We’ll make a time with you to talk through the process.
  • You will be provided with guidelines for video-conferencing sessions to maximise the effectiveness of service you receive. We will go through this document together.
  • Our staff are available to answer any questions you have.
  • We’ll discuss what can be achieved over video based on your goals and current services.
  • Together we’ll come up with a plan on what will be covered in your first session.

The Test video session

  • We’ll schedule an appointment to test out the technology.
  • Allow 30 minutes for the test session.
  • We’ll go through sound, audio, and camera set up.

At your first video session

  • We’ll call you by phone at the scheduled times.
  • You’ll be provided with support with set-up while over the phone, and we will not end the call until everything is ready.
  • We will ask for your feedback at the end of the session, and discuss a plan for your next appointment.

Please speak with your Key Contact or Therapist if you have any questions. If you need more information, contact us.