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Summer Hydrotherapy Sessions

Summer Hydrotherapy sessions are now available! 🤸 Get your child motivated for Physio with refreshing Hydrotherapy sessions! Supported by a qualified Physiotherapist, Hydrotherapy helps your child build muscles and improve mobility - while cooling off in the swimming pool.

Exercise Physiology

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Exercise physiology is the science of the body and how it works. It’s an evidence-based approach using exercise to manage a range of conditions, including disabilities or developmental delay.

Make a referral for Exercise Physiology Team

Our exercise physiologists will help your child to:

  • Increase their daily physical activity
  • Create good habits for life
  • Encourage physical literacy; the ability confidence and desire to be physically active for life
  • Improve ability and physical competence
  • Improve fundamental movement skills e.g. jumping, throwing and catching
  • Participate in activities that are fun, healthy and build connection

Kites exercise physiologists will work closely with our occupational therapy, speech pathology, dietitian and dog assisted therapy teams to create a program suited to the therapy goals of your child. We work with you on improving your child’s physical ability, confidence and desire for movement.

Our Exercise Physiology program is based around 6 key areas: function, family, fitness, fun, friends and future. We provide access to specialised support and equipment for children with disability or developmental delay.

Our Exercise Physiologist is accredited by Exercise and Sports Science Australia (link opens in new tab), the peak professional body and sole accrediting authority for Accredited Exercise Physiologists.

To find out more about exercise physiology, get in touch with us today. If you’re ready to get started, make a referral now.