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Summer Hydrotherapy Sessions

Summer Hydrotherapy sessions are now available! 🤸 Get your child motivated for Physio with refreshing Hydrotherapy sessions! Supported by a qualified Physiotherapist, Hydrotherapy helps your child build muscles and improve mobility - while cooling off in the swimming pool.

Meet A Friend Socially (MAFS)

Main Content

Three hands hold burgers. VisAbility and Kites logos Meet A Friend Socially Group outline

Build lasting friendships and connections with other young adults who are going through the same life stages. Transitioning from high school into finding employment, TAFE or university can be a challenging milestone in life. Tackling lifes challenges with someone else who is going through the same thing, makes it so much easier.

The small group is run by our speech therapists (4-6 people) is designed to offer a safe, casual and friendly space for young adult VisAbility and Kites clients to meet some friends, grab a burger and have a laugh in a relaxed setting.

As well as building confidence, social and communication skills, more practical aspects of life such as catching public transport, ordering food and drinks and money management will be enhanced.

Who would suit this group?

This group is for young adults between the ages of 17-19 who are due to leave, or who have recently left school. This can be a difficult phase and the group aims to ensure that bonds, friendships and support within the vision impaired community are maintained.


Please email either Alexandra Witherow or Emily Watson for further information.

Group details:

When: Meeting once a month. Please complete the form below to register interest in attending.
Next sessions:

  • Tuesday 25 March 2025 at 5:30pm: Kings Park Picnic. Please bring a plate of food to share with the group.
  • Wednesday 7 May 2025 at 5:30pm: Hijinx Hotel Karrinyup followed by dinner. Please bring your ID.
  • Tuesday 3 June 2025 at 5:30pm: Games night at VisAbility. Please bring a plate of food to share with the group and your favourite board game.
  • Wednesday 2 July 2025 at 5:30pm: Meal at Balmoral followed by dessert nearby. Please bring your ID.


Register for MAFS Group

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