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Summer Hydrotherapy Sessions

Summer Hydrotherapy sessions are now available! 🤸 Get your child motivated for Physio with refreshing Hydrotherapy sessions! Supported by a qualified Physiotherapist, Hydrotherapy helps your child build muscles and improve mobility - while cooling off in the swimming pool.

Social Work

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Kites social workers provide counselling and support for your family. They can provide you, as parents, with information and assistance surrounding key decisions about care, education, and respite choices for your child.

Make a referral for Social Work

Social workers can maintain and build your capacity in your caring roles for your child, acknowledging their additional needs. They also provide information for parents who wish to meet others with similar experiences.

They will work closely with our other teams including psychologists, dog assisted therapy, dietitians, occupational therapy and exercise physiologists to support your child.

Kites social workers are accredited members of the Australian Association of Social Workers (link opens in new tab).

To find out more about Social Work, get in touch with us today. If you’re ready to get started, make a referral now.